Setting the Scene
09:10 - 10:39
1m 29s
Gabby and Tina discuss setting the scene for the video by choosing descirptive words and facts from the case.


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Alex works on composing his candidacy statement for student body president and discovers flyers posted in the halls smearing him.
The team figures out that Mr. Brinker set his own store on fire after gathering all the clues.
Craig discovers that Mr. Brinker has VCRs set up to make multiple copies of a single VHS tape after he and Jamal investigate the back room of the store. They suspect Mr. Brinker was selling illegal copies.
After researching FBI, Alex suspects the man in a suit that visited Mr. Brinkers was a member of the FBI.
Alex and Jamal go to the library to learn what "copyright infringement" and the F.B.I. are.