Emotional Brain
00:27 - 03:08
2m 41s
Kevin Labar explains the origins of human and animal emotions as well as the origin of human memories.


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Eep's father tells the rest of the family a story about the dangers of curiosity and how it can lead the members of the family to die. He advises them to stay in their normal routine and not to think about anything new. While telling the story, he draws and paints on the walls.
Riley is introduced as the new student in her class and recalls her life in Minnesota.
Before regenerating, the Doctor's memories of his companions come to life, giving him a chance to say good bye to them one last time.
Our everyday reality is shattered when people are in love. It reflects people's longing for passion in their lives.
Scientists are trying to understand how the brain forms and processes emotions. They are conducting research on the brain patterns of positive and negative emotions to understand the brain a little bit better.