Racing to Save Loved Ones
From Doctor Who
00:00 - 03:37
3m 37s
The Doctor realizes the reason why his future self gave River Song his sonic screwdriver. He uses it to save her and the people trapped in the library.


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Wall-E sacrifices his existence in order to save the humanity which would restore earth.
Ed presents his advertisement for Great Bridge Insurance to win him over as a client.
Bing Bong jumps off the cart to save Joy.
To escape the island, the CyberSquad must reach before sunset one of the portals that Motherboard has placed on the island at random. The group uses the map to determine the distance to each portal and accounts for facts such as steep climbs and bridges being down. The kids and Digit decide to take the rapids to the bay, where they successfully reach the portal.
Jackie, Matt, and Inez brainstorm how to build a ramp to get up the steep cliff to the island. They create a design for the ramp such that it can be easily transported and will serve the purpose of getting them to the island.