Bidding War for Pied Piper
00:00 - 01:02
1m 2s
Richard's company Pied Piper receives offers from Peter Gregory and Gavin Belson. Peter Gregory explains how he only wants a partial stake so it gives more ownership to Richard.


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Richard heads to Peter Gregory to pick up his check but isn't prepared with all the necessary business documents for his startup.
Gilfoyle creates a presentation to persuade Richard to create Piper coin or Pied Piper's own cryptocurrency so they can become independent of venture capitalist funding.
Pied Piper is missing its mark on daily active users. Richard contemplates shutting down the company but the next day Pied Piper gains over 7,000 new users. Everyone celebrates but Jared is actually secretly buying users from a click farm.
Peter Gregory explains his plan to invest in sesame seeds in Indonesia due to a projected global shortage.
Monica gifts Richard with a framed picture of the text message he sent her, but Richard discovers a comma missing in the picture. Richard sent four but Monica only received three. He realizes this means the message being sent is bypassing encryption because their AI broke it.