07:51 - 08:50
Lowly and Huckle play in their own space shuttle, while learning about real space shuttles and the astronauts that work in them.


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A short biography of Neil Armstrong, the first human being to step foot on the moon. Armstrong had a storied career at NASA but he was also a Navy pilot, test pilot, engineer, and professor.
This scene simulates the moment Neil Armstrong exits the lunar lander on the Apollo 11 mission and steps foot on the moon, a first for human beings. This moment represented the culmination of centuries of mankind's ambitions and scientific understanding.
Neil Armstrong goes through rigid physical and mental training in order to prepare himself to travel to the moon. Although he suffers through the training, he does not give up, especially after losing his daughter.
The Saturn V Rocket, an engineering marvel, lifts the crew of Apollo 11 off the earth on their journey to the moon in this faithful clip that combines real footage with Hollywood film.
Penrose describes his black hole theory, which sparks an idea in Stephen's mind. Stephen reverses Penrose's theory and develops one of his own. Stephen suggests that the universe was born from a black hole exploding. The black hole has such strong space-time singularity that nothing can escape from it, even light. The black hole is triggered by the collapse of a star.