Sheep Are Always Following the Leader
17:57 - 21:56
3m 59s
Too-Tall thinks that Brother is cut out to join his gang. Brother spends the day as a member of the gang, following the leader. Yet, it all culminates in him trespassing on Farmer Ben's property where he is caught. Farmer Ben teaches him some valuable lessons.


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Winston Chu talks to students and the Degrassi community alike about their thoughts on Party Pressure.
Leonard asks for a volunteer to demonstrate the pigs' last gift to the birds, a slingshot. Since Red was disruptive during his presentation, he chooses Red, who is reluctant to participate. His fellow birds and the spotlight pressure him to participate.
Eric visits Cory's class to give a talk on peer pressure. He shares that, next year when they move into seventh grade, there will be a large population of kids they have never met before who may think differently from them. Eric warns them that they may be pressured by their peers to make poor decisions.
Vanessa's friends are over and smoke while her father is not home. She tells her father the truth about the situation afterwards.
Phoebe is offended by Rachel's embarrassment of how she runs.