The Gift
From Seinfeld
00:00 - 02:53
2m 53s
Jerry gives Elaine cash for her birthday, thinking she can spend it on whatever she likes best. But Elaine is mortified; she wanted a thoughtful gift that signaled Jerry had put great thought into his gift. Kramer enters and does just that—gives Elaine a thoughtful gift.


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Sheldon buys a bunch of cats to cope with his break-up with Amy. He must pay $20 to get people to take his cats.
The significance of a product is highlighted if it can bring utility to a large community of people over a long period of time. Social entrepreneurship involves recognizing and executing an opportunity to improve the livelihood of others.
A girl calls Jerry and tells him she needs to be in town for a conference but can't find a decent hotel room in Manhattan. George and Kramer say that these are signals. The girl arrives, and sends many additional signals (at least Jerry thinks she does), but ultimately tells Jerry that she's engaged. What Jerry needs is a screening device.
Jerry is being audited for contributing to a false charity. He contributed because he and Elaine were on their first date, and he wanted to send a signal that he was a generous and compassionate man.
George puts a dollar in the tip jar at the pizzeria, but the counterman's head was turned and he didn't see it. George laments that it cost him a dollar, but he got no credit for it. His altruism is not pure—he gets utility not from giving, but from getting credit for giving.