00:00 - 01:11
1m 11s
Billy accidentally activates a super computer that believes it knows everything. Billy tests its knowledge and its able to answer all of his questions, including the color of his underwear.


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Dr. Blight revels on about her AI computer, MAL and how it has infiltrated the EPA's master computer, changing the status of every National Park into a toxic waste dump.
Neil and Shaun use augmented reality (AR) to practice a cardiac surgery on a patient's heart and find a scenario in which he would survive. They find a solution with an exceedingly low margin of error.
Charlie compares the elevator to a "Chinese Box" - a thought experiment asking whether there is a difference between a computer algorithmically responding to sentences typed it in Chinese and a person who doesn't speak Chinese following the same algorithms as the computer. He explains how it is an example of the Turing test.
Grim gets Billy and Mandy into a theme park attraction called "The World of the Future" that is closed. When inside, Grim turn on the attraction and Sassy Cat, the cartoon character on which the theme park is based appears on a screen and narrates a future that runs on robot labor.
Andrew's secret of being an android is out, and people are having mixed reactions if androids are good or harmful.