Jessica's Speech
00:00 - 01:50
1m 50s
Jessica testifies in court about the sexual assault she experienced by Bryce.


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Fred Fredburger is summoned to court for a civil suit against Mandy for the custody of Grim. Although it conflates a civil trial with a criminal trial, this is not evident during this snippet.
Colonel Drummond argues for a teacher accused of the crime of teaching evolution. He suggests that making evolution a crime could be a chain reaction that leads to censorship and a government-imposed belief system.
Grim throws the moon at a town and is arrested by underworld police, which through a portal in the ground. In court, Grim is found guilty of gross misuse of his powers and is sentenced to community service.
A lawyer reminds the jury to not let their personal stance on an issue affect the ability of others to enjoy a product or service. He urges the members of the jury to support the freedom of expression and warns that their decision could place unnecessary restrictions on the citizens' first amendment rights.
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