Good with Numbers
From 21
00:00 - 00:44

Ben helps the patrons of his shop calculate the price of the clothes they want to purchase, including discounts. He performs all of the calculations in his head.


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Joe's mother asks him to answer the door for a pizza delivery and tells him to give the delivery person a 15% tip. The pizza costs $10, and Joe has trouble calculating the tip even with a calculator.
Kevin, frustrated with his math struggles, asks his friend sarcastically about absolute value, to which his friend Paul answers correctly.
The Bad Man makes the problems harder asking more complex percentages and asks the kids to find the fraction that corresponds to the percent.
The Bad Man tests the kids' percentage skills by asking them to mark percentages off on the board.
Sad man teaches about pie fractions and how to read them. Bad man takes the children on a practice run on fraction amounts in a pie chart. A special song is sung to guide the lesson.