00:00 - 01:20
1m 20s

Byron kisses his reflection in a frozen car window and gets his lips stuck to it. He pleads to Kenny for help, and Kenny thinks he's attempting to trick him again. Kenny learns that Byron is serious and gets his parents to help.


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Flick's classmates triple dog dare him to stick his tongue on a frozen metal pole. When he does, the other students soon realize that his tongue is actually stuck, and they panic and leave him alone because the bell rang and they don't know how to help him. Eventually the teacher gets the Fire Department to help Flick.
Mr. Wizard explains and demonstrates convection currents.
Bill Nye explains that heat is energy and can be used to do work, such as keep up warm, run an engine, or affect other molecules. Using real-world examples, he then describes the three ways that heat can move from one place to another: conduction, convection, and radiation.
Galileo explains to his student that, if two balls are dropped at the same height, they will both hit the ground at the same time, regardless of their weight.
Mr. Seaver begins teaching the class a lesson on gravity out of the textbook. He is especially confused by the book's claim that a coin and a feather will fall at exactly the same speed. After Luke challenges him to prove it, he tests the claim.