Yeaman Congress
From Lincoln
00:00 - 01:38
1m 38s

George Helm, a representative of Kentucky, pleads his case against emancipation. He questions what will happen to colored folk if all 4 million will be set free in one instance; would it mean that it gives them the power to vote and have a voice? Helm believes this enfranchisement is too costly to the current structure of society and mocks the notion of transferring power out of the white man's hands.


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The narrator explains the Missouri Compromise, in which a compromise is reached about whether to make Missouri a slave or free state.
William takes Harriet to meet the Underground Railroad committee and officially inducts her as a committee member.
John talks about the Atlantic Slave Trade and descibes its process and conditions slaves underwent on boats and their life on farms and plantations in the Americas.
Bass speaks out against slavery to Edwin Epps, a slave owner. Bass tells Epps that he should be more concerned about the condition of his slaves and that they are human beings just like any white men.
John Quincy Adams argues in favor of the African slaves in the United States v. The Amistad case in front of the Supreme Court. He displays fervent support for the abolition of slavery and asserts that the natural state of mankind is freedom, which contrasts with the South's view.