Lost Causes
00:00 - 01:31
1m 31s

Mr. Smith is exhausted from his long filibuster yet continues to hold the floor in the Senate. He is fighting for what he believes others may consider a lost cause.


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Leslie starts a filibuster to delay a bill that had been untabled by councilman Jamm.
The President helps Senator Stackhouse with his filibuster to ruin the print deadline. He calls up other senators that would support Senator Stackhouse so that he can take a break from holding the floor by yielding for a question.
Gandhi gives a speech in which he advocates for non-violent opposition to an unjust law. He acknowledges that there will be consequences for not abiding by the law, but he urges his fellow residents to not give the British their obedience and to do so peacefully.
Mr. Kane delivers a speech upon winning the election for governor. Charged with strong rhetoric against the evil domination of Boss Jim Gettys, he speaks of his dedication to champion the underprivileged, the underpaid, and the underfed.
Government inspectors visit Mr. Burns' nuclear facility and find him in violation of hundreds of safety standards. In typical Mr. Burns fashion, he tries to bribe one of the regulators to no avail.