Colonel Travis's Speech
00:00 - 02:56
2m 56s

Colonel William B. Travis asks his men what it is they value so dearly that they are willing to fight, and possibly die, for prior to the Battle of The Alamo. He instills patriotism in his men and rallies for their tenacity as they revolt against the Mexican troops.


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The Mexican troops launch the first wave of their assault on the Alamo Mission near modern day San Antonio, Texas.
When Mexican forces arrived in Gonzales, they found the militia armed with firearms the cannon and a banner that read come and take it. Significantly outnumbered the solduers were routed with one shot of the cannon one shot that won the battle. One shot that started the revolution.
Sam Houston leads his troops to victory against General Santa Anna's forces, who have set up camp in a vulnerable spot. Because the Texians were familiar with the terrain, which had many thick oak groves separated by marshes, and were in a location with strong cover against fire, they were able to win the battle so quickly and with much fewer losses. The clip mentions facts about the battle, including that Santa Anna's forces were defeated in just 18 minutes.
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As the dust settled on Mexico the threat of filibustering persisted and so the new government under the presidency of Guadalupe, Victoria. He sought to address the issue with general colonization law of 1824.The Empresario system that sought to turn American filibusters into mexican citizens. Empresarios on the behalf of thr Mexican goverment would be recruited to sell Texan land to immigrants at low prices and the empresario themselves were paid in land